Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Teaser 3!

The third teaser for Scenes featuring footage from JB Ski, Princes and Thorpe is now online, and can be viewed right here!

(It seems you have to watch through a trailer for Saw 5 first though, naff! Maybe I should stop using mpora to host my vids and go back to youtube. Anyway, back to the vid...)

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Full trailer coming soon!

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Little vid from final 10ft High comp

Until the next teaser is released in a few weeks, here's a little vid I did of the final 10ft High comp of 2008. Enjoy!

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Don't forget JB Ski this SUnday (12th Oct) 1-5pm!

Monday, 6 October 2008

JB Ski (Thorpe) shoot this Sunday 12th Oct

So yet again the date for JB has changed, but it will now definitely be this Sunday, 12th October, from 1pm until 5pm.

Some good footage from Princes yesterday despite the rain and cold!


Thursday, 2 October 2008

JB Ski not today! Sorry!

So of course JB Ski is actually closed on Thursdays now on, something that didn't get mentioned when I organized the shoot. Sorry! We hope to re-arrange for a date later in October.


Monday, 15 September 2008

More quality footage, new date for JB and NEW TEASER!

A great weekend of shooting at Sheffield and WM Ski! More awesome footage in the shot bank! Another date change unfortunately, now JB Ski is on Thursday October 2nd, from 12-4pm, instead of Sunday 28th Sept, as I have too much stuff to do that day already!

And finally, we're proud to present to you a new teaser! Featuring footage from WM Ski, Sheffield and WakeMK. There will be another one after shooting at the other 3 cables (Princes, Boxend and JB), but in the meantime, enjoy!

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Saturday, 6 September 2008

Princes Filming and Schedule

So the final filming date, for Princes Cable, is now confirmed as 12-4pm on Sunday 5th October. So the filming dates still to come are:

Sunday 14th Sept - WM Ski, 4-8pm
Sunday 21st Sept - Boxend, 4-8pm
Sunday 28th Sept - JB Ski, 2-6pm
Sunday 5th Oct - Princes, 12-4pm

So hope to see you all at at least of of those! I will also be filming next Sat at the 10ft High comp at Sheffield through the day, although this isn't specifically for Scenes, but if you'd like to be in it and missed the other day at Sheffield just come and tell me and I'll keep the camera focused on you!


Thursday, 4 September 2008

Success at Sheffield, next shoot WM Ski Sunday 14th Sept

Another successful shoot at Sheffield, a big thanks to Andy, Jo, Si, all the staff and riders! Despite weather featuring rain, wind and more rain, there was a good turnout of local talent putting tricks down for the camera resulting in some awesome footage. If you missed the Sheffield shoot I'll be filming next Saturday at the 10ft High comp as well.

Next shoot is Sunday 14th September at WM Ski, 4-8pm, then Boxend Sunday 21st 4-8pm. Success at Sheffield, next shoot WM Ski Sunday 14th Sept.

As an added bonus I've included a few observations on what is possibly the most boring 130 miles you could ever drive, but are unfortunately essential to get from Cheltenham to Sheffield.

-Petrol goes a long way if you maintain a consistent speed of no more than 60mph
-Maintaining a consistent speed of 60mph is almost impossible because it's so boring
-'Erewash' is probably the best-named river ever
-All X3/5 drivers are nobs, as are 90% of BMW drivers in general
-If you consume 2 chocolate bars,a bag of crisps and a can of Relentless in the space of 10 minutes, expect to feel a bit sick
-Driving at night is shit before 10pm, wonderful after
-Speed-camera enforced motorway speed limits of 40mph are infuriating
-If you have to go on really boring drives, take a friend to stop you going mad and writing silly lists like this

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Sheffield this Wednesday, WM Ski now Sunday 14th September

So we're shooting at Sheffield Cableski this Wednesday, 3rd September, from 4-8pm, hope to see lots of you there!

Also the date for WM Ski has been shifted from the original date of Sunday 7th Sept to a week later, Sunday 14th September, as it clashed with the comp at WakeMK. So, see you at WM Ski on Sunday 14th!

Friday, 29 August 2008

Sheffield Shoot Wednesday 3rd Sept!

So, first the MK shoot went great, a big thank you to all the staff and riders. Following on from the success at WakeMK, we have a new date confirmed for next week at Sheffield Cableski - Wednesday 3rd, we will be shooting from 4pm until 8pm so we hope to see you there!

Sunday, 24 August 2008

More Filming Dates for WM Ski and Boxend, WakeMK tomorrow!

So, I'm happy to announce we also have dates confirmed for Box End Park and WM Ski. Both days we will be shooting from 4pm until 8pm so make sure you turn up at the right time for your chance to be in the film!

WM Ski - Sunday 7th Sept
Boxend - Sunday 21st Sept

Also don't forget Wake MK tomorrow, 1pm - 5pm! If anyone in or near Cheltenham fancies coming along for some riding I have some spaces in my car, let me know!

Friday, 22 August 2008

Filming at WakeMK this Monday 25th August!

Hey everyone! So Scenes is back on track, more dates being confirmed right now and the first one is finally here! This Monday we are filming at Wake MK! So turn up if you can! We will be filming from 1pm until 5pm (and a little later if need be) so don't be late and miss your chance to be in the film!

Also we have a Facebook group for the film, which can be found here - http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=19498684214&ref=ts

Hope to see you on Monday!


Monday, 4 August 2008

So unfortunately we had to cancel the first few filming dates (Box End and Sheffield) due to unforeseen circumstances, however these are being resolved right now and we'll have more dates for filming days up in the next week!

Filming at WakeMK still on for Monday 25th August, don't miss your chance to be in the film!

Monday, 21 July 2008

Filming Dates Confirmed!

We now have 2 dates confirmed for filming, for Box End and WakeMK cable centres -

Box End Park - Sunday 3rd August
WakeMK - Monday 25th August

So if you ride at one of these cables make sure you're there on these dates!

Dates for Sheffield and WM Ski being confirmed with more to follow soon!

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Work Underway!

Pre-production work is now well underway for Scenes, with several cable centres already confirmed for filming and more to follow soon!

Filming will be taking place between late July and October. Keep checking back here regularly for updates on when we will be filming at your local cable, you don't want to miss your chance to be in the movie!

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Scenes - A UK Grassroots Wakeboard Film

Scenes is a new UK cable wakeboard film focused on the grassroots of the sport. Instead of solely looking at the established professional riders, Scenes also aims to reveal the many talented staff and locals at cable centres around the country, and show the world what UK cable wakeboarding has to offer!

Scenes will be filmed across the UK's cable centres in the summer/autumn of 2008, and released via the Internet at the start of the 2009 season. Visit www.scenesmovie.blogspot.com to keep up to date on the films progess!

We are looking for collaborators, contributors, media partners and sponsors so if you'd like to get involved please contact pilchardproductions@gmail.com.

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Also keep checking this page for details of when we will be visiting your local cable centre!